Europa di notte (1959)
Un lugar para el encuentro. en el más amplio sentido del término, entre el cine, el circo y las variedades
(A place for the meeting, in the most wide sense of the term, among the cinema, the circus and varietés).
Autores: Sr. Feliú y Javier Jiménez
Follow the boys (Sueños de gloria, 1944), A. Edward "Eddie" Sutherland
Es el primer musical realizado por Universal Pictures y lo graban durante la II Guerra Mundial para levantar la moral de las tropas. Tony West (George Raft) es un emprendedor empresario de espectáculos que organiza espectáculos de variedades para entretener a los soldados americanos.The Star Maker (1939), Roy del Ruth
En esos tiempos de vodevil, los editores de canciones a menudo contrataban a un joven para que se sentara en el teatro e, inmediatamente después de que una estrella del vodevil interpretara una canción, se levantaba entre el público y cantaba una versión "extemporanea" del tema con el pretexto de haber quedado encantando por la misma.
Years ago when we were kids / our mothers used to say / the bogeyman will get you / if you don't obey/ He's hiding in the closet / so be careful what you do/ Borrowing the pillows / or the covers over you /Lon Chaney is gonna get you / if you don´t watch out /
He´s liable to bounce upon you with a shout / You`ll find him in the teapot / you'll find him in the zoo/ He maybe is only half a man / And then he´s maybe two / A man was coming home one night / when suddenly he saw, / a monkey with a lion face / who started into roar / It was Lon chaney, / of that there is no doubt /
Lon Chaney is gonna to get you / if you don´t watch out /
First he is an elephant / Then he' s an ape / maybe he’s a jellyfish / that bites you on the leg / When yo do the homework / always stop to think / he's may be in the bladder / he's maybe in the ink / because now he is a Guselwagen, / then he is a fish, / he hides in mashed potatoes, / in the bottom of the dishHe is worst than any (?) / He'll scare you if you saw him (?) like a plate of soup / So now he is in China, / now he is in Peru, / what’s that noise? /Come here to me, I think he’s at the yew /Lon Chaney is gonna get you / if you don’t watch out, /
He’s liable to bounce upon you / with a shout / Perhaps he’s a spider / perhaps he’s a cat, / perhaps he’s in your pocket, / perhaps he’s in your hat / Every night at 12 o'clock / as crazy as a loon / he flies away up in the sky / and hides behind the moon,/ and if the sun should shine at night / you’ll clearly see his flute /Lon Chaney is gonna get you / if you don’t watch out
He will grab you and he’ll choke you / and he’ll chain you to a tree / He will drive you by an oak down / to the bottom of the sea / He will put you in a dungeon dark / thats miles below the fog, / he will keep you there / and you wont see / your momma any more / Hell take the naughty boys and girls / of that there is no doubt.Lon Chaney is gonna get you / if you don’t watch out.
¿Cómo se les ha quedado el cuerpo?
Lady be good (1941)
De nuevo volvemos a la carga con un delicioso musical en el que tenemos como estrella a Eleanor Powell. Ya lo comentamos cuando hablamos sobre perros y tap dance en esta entrada. La cinta, además de contar con nuestra admirada Eleanor Powell, cuenta con la presencia de Red Skelton, uno de nuestros payasos cinematográficos de cabecera.
La película ganó un Premio de la Academia, el Oscar a la Mejor Canción por "The Last Time I Saw Paris," compuesta por Jerome Kern y Oscar Hammerstein II.Si Eleanor Powell nos enamora en cada paso de baile, los Berry Brothers nos asombran. Sus rutinas acrobáticas son trepidantes y nos invitan a saltar de nuestro confortable sillón.